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  • Update on CHDA Working Arrangement (Covid19)_Level4

    Update on CHDA Working Arrangement (Covid19)_Level4

    Level4 phasing in of operations Read more
  • Important Notice (Covid-19)

    CHDA takes precautionary measures against Corona Virus Read more
  • CHDA Says "NO" to Fraud and Corruption!

    The CHDA strives to meet high levels of ethical and professional standards in its operations. Read more


The Chris Hani Development Agency (CHDA) is a State Owned Company (SOC) established in 2012 by a Council Resolution dated 27 March 2012 in terms of the Municipal Systems Amendment Act No. 44 of 2003, Companies Amendment Act No 3 of 2011 and Municipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003. The CHDA is 100% owned by the Chris Hani District Municipality, as has been charged with the mandate of developing rural economies through agriculture and agro-processing.


To be the center of economic growth and development for our people, our heritage our future


To contribute towards improving the quality of life of Chris Hani District communities through accelerating implementation of high impact development programmes

  • Commitment  - to all we do, and the communities which we serve
  • Honesty - in all our dealings, and all our interactions with stakeholders
  • Respect - for ourselves, our brand, our stakeholders, development partners and communities which we serve
  • Innovation - in all our actions, dealings and delivery of programmes and interventions
  • Sincerity - in all we do, with a genuine concern and desire to meet the needs of the communities which we serve
  • Humanity - in our understanding and empathy for the needs of our community
  • Accountability - in all that we do, to our shareholder, communities we serve, and the general public
  • Nurturing - for our communities and vulnerable groupings of society
  • Innovation - in constantly seeking to improve what we do, how we do it and how best we can deliver to the communities which we serve

Chris Hani Development Corridors The strategic outcome will be increasing economic growth rates along the corridors through private public partnerships while focusing on creating sustainable community based enterprises and household food security.

Organisational Positioning

The CHDA is positioning itself as a symbol of hope within the Chris Hani District for the realization of a better sustainable future through genuine development of human capital and leveraging of physical and natural resources and heritage. The Agency will position itself to be:

  • A provider of customised solutions for economic development challenges
  • Adviser, facilitator, and enabler for public and private co-operation
  • Entry point for District economic development
  • One stop service provider for investment opportunities

It is therefore well thought-out that meaningful reduction in both poverty and unemployment would be achieved through adoption of the Corridor Multi Sector Based Approach focusing on the following identified corridors:

  • Sisulu Development Corridor along the R61 linking Engcobo, Cofimvaba, Queenstown, Tarkastad and Cradock;
  • Ndondo Development Corridor along the R394 linking Elliot, Cala, Lady Frere and Queenstown; and
  • Calata Development Corridor along the N10 linking Whittlesea, Queenstown, Sterkstroom, Molteno and Middleburg to Cradock,
  • N6 Development Corridor runs through Queenstown which positions Lukhanji Local Municipality as the Economic Hub of the District.


Board Members

(Left to right)

From left standing : Mr Zolile Duze (CEO),Mr Lita Mbokotho,Mr Singa Ngqwala,Dr Noncedo Khewu,Mr Abongile Hala,Mr Jackson Mbawuli (Resigned).

From left seated : Ms Fungai Mushohwe, Ms Bongiwe Zantsi, Advocate Andile Mini (Chairperson of the Board), Mr Tshililo Ramabulana (Deputy Chairperson of the Board), Ms Zamela Kiviet and Ms Vuyelwa Matsiliza

CSI  - CHDA gives co-op a boost !

The CHDA is proud to announce that it has brought much-needed relief to the Primary Manufacturing Co-operative in Ezibeleni by contributing R 100 000 at  the end of the 2017-18 financial period, after a 3-year financial dry spell.

The beneficiary is the former Seating Furniture Factory in Ezibeleni, which  now comprises of 39 former workers who lost their jobs when the factory was moved to Johannesburg.  One of the co-operative members, Mr Zuko Makroti, said that some of the money would be used to create samples required by a large potential buyer in Gauteng, as well as fund working capital needs for manufacturing inputs. The co-op inherited machinery from their former employer with the assistance of Numsa, but was struggling with materials for manufacturing, and was thus not making enough income to allow the members to fully support their families.The financial injection will now allow the co-op to pursue its dream of manufacturing affordable school and office furniture on a large scale, and hopes to employ 600 Chris Hani District residents. 

For information on how potential funders and customers can get involved and support this worthy initiative, please contact Mrs Zolisa Xabadiya, Project Manager Special Projects at CHDA on 045-8074000, or email

New Exco 




Management Team

Left to right: Mr Andrew Hlubi (Chief Finance Officer), Mr Zolile Duze (Chief Executive Officer), Mrs Nomveliso Nyukwana (Executive Manager Operations)


Andrew Hlubi (Chief Finance Officer)

Andrew is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the Chris Hani Development Agency, appointed 1 July 2020, and he has over 15 years experience in municipal finance. Previous positions before joining CHDA include: Municipal Manager at Mafube Local Municipality, and Chief Finance Officer appointments for NAFCOC and USASSA.

Andrew has a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of the Orange Free State, a certification in Municipal Finance and Management (CPMD) and the Management Advancement Programme (MAP) certificate by Wits University.


Zolile Duze (Chief Executive Officer)

Zolile is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Chris Hani Development Agency, appointed 1 April 2020.

He was employed by CHDA as the former  Executive Manager Operations (EMO) from 2015 - 2020, after a few years as General Manager at GFADA. He is an Agribusiness Practitioner with 13 + years’ experience in developing small scale farmers through market linkages, capacity building and skills development to commercialize their farming operations.  He participated in the land reform programme restructuring and support in the Free State, KwaZulu Natal and Limpopo Provinces, through resource mobilization from Public and Private Sector partners.  He has served as a Ministerial Trustee in the Sorghum Trust,National Agricultural Marketing Council, Essential Oils Incubator Programme,South African Grain Information Services (SAGIS) and the Transformation Committee for Winter Cereal Trust. He holds an Honours Degree in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development from Tshwane University of Technology, an Advanced Management Programme (MAP) from Wits Business School, National Diploma in Farm Management from Fort Cox College of Agriculture and Forestry, and a CPMD from Wits Business School.  He is currently completing a postgraduate qualification with Stellenbosch University.

Nomveliso Nyukwana (Executive Manager Operations)

Nomveliso is the programme and head of operations  (EMO) at the Chris Hani Development Agency, appointed 1 July 2020, after serving as the agency's Project Manager: Special Projects since April 2019.  Nomveliso has  over 10 years experience in the field of education, with municipal and local government experience from 2006 to date. 

Previous positions before joining CHDA include: PR Councillor and Mayor for Emalahleni Local Municpality, with a vast number of years as senior education specialist for the EC Department of Education.

Nomveliso has a Master's degree in Public Management from the University of Fort Hare, with postgraduate certification in Education from the UNiversity of Port Elizabeth.

