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    Update on CHDA Working Arrangement (Covid19)_Level4

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BID REF. NO: BID/02/24-25

CHDA, registered as the Chris Hani Development Agency, is a state – owned company (SOC) and is wholly owned by the Chris Hani District Municipality.  The CHDA would like to invite bids for the appointment of a suitably qualified and experienced internal audit firm to provide on-going internal audit services to the agency per Section 165 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) 56 of 2003.  The internal audit firm will report to the Audit, Risk and Ethics Committee of the Board, and will be required to provide the complete internal audit function of the agency, which includes all aspects related to review of risks, transactions, compliance, performance information, as well as financial statements, as a minimum to any ad-hoc assignments that may be commissioned by the Audit, Risk and Ethics Committee from time to time 

Issue of Bids/EOI Documents:  Documents will be available as from Friday, 20th September 2024 and can be collected between 08:00am – 16:00pm from CHDA offices, Receptionist – Ms. Nombulelo Nyokana (Email:, 15 Warner Street Southbourne in Queenstown at a non- refundable cost of R 300.00 per document upon submission of a proof of deposit to the following bank account:


ACCOUNT HOLDER : Chris Hani Development Agency

ACCOUNT TYPE : Public Sector Account

ACCOUNT NUMBER : 62363654156

BRANCH : Queenstown

BRANCH CODE : 210920

REFERENCE : Bid Ref. and Bidder’s Name

PLEASE NOTE                        : The copy of the proof of Bid document payment must also be attached to the submitted Bid document.


All procurement enquiries are to be addressed in writing to Mr. S. Singeni (Email:

All bids concept enquires are to be addressed in writing to Ms F.M. Tiso (Email:

 Tenderers shall take note of the following conditions:

  • The National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) registration summary reportmust be submitted with the Bid for it to be acceptable.  
  • Service providers must complete & submit all MBD forms of this Bid document.
  • Submit a valid copy of the SARS Tax PIN document for verifying the Tax compliance status. Bids with noncompaint Tax Status will not be accepted.
  • If a supplier is not a VAT vendor, VAT must not be included, otherwise all the prices must include VAT.
  • Directors’ certified ID copy(ies) must be submitted.
  • Valid proof of address/lease agreements/municipal rates account statement or the Proof of address letter from the Ward Councillor must be submitted in relation to the business physical address that is registered on the CSD.
  • Certification document from a medical practitioner must be submitted as proof of disability if the bidder’s Director(s) want(s) to claim points of people living with disability.
  • CHDA retains the right to cancel the procurement, if deemed appropriate for whatever reason, without interacting in any discussion with Bidders.
  • Electronic, faxed, emailed and incomplete Bid documents will not be accepted
  • Functionality Criteria points will be allocated as follows:
  • Company Experience and Resource  Expertise (75 points)
  • Methodology (25 points)
  • Bidders who earn 80 or more Functionality Criteria points will qualify for the preferences procurement points system evaluation.
  • The 80/20 preference points system Evaluation Criteria will be applied, where:

 80 points will be allocated for Price and the following formula will be applied for calculating Price points for each tender:

Ps = 80 [1 – (Pt – Pmin)]



Ps = Points scored   for price of tender under consideration

Pt = Price of tender under consideration; and

Pmin    = Price of lowest acceptable tender.

 20 points will be allocated for Specific Goals as follows:

Black ownership (Max. 10 points)

  • 10 points will be allocated only to a 100% black owned company[Verification document(s) = Copy of CSD registration and certified ID copy(ies) of entity’s director(s)]

 Locality (Max. 5 points)

  • 5 points will be allocated only to service providers that are located within the Chris Hani District (CHD) jurisdiction [Verification document(s) = Valid proof of address, e.g. municipal services rates account statement, Official Proof of Address document from a Ward Councillor, property lease agreements, etc.]

 Youth ownership (Max. 2.5 points)

  • 5 points will be allocated only to service providers that have 100% youth ownership [Verification document(s) = Copy of CSD registration and certified ID copy(ies) of entity’s director(s)

 People living with Disability (Max. 2.5 points)

  • 5 points will be allocated only to service providers that are 100% owned by people living with disabilities [Verification document(s) = Disabilitycertification document(s) from a medical practitioner]

 The points scored for price must be added to the points scored for the specific goals and the total must be rounded off to the nearest two decimal places.

Mr A.A. Hala, Chief Executive Officer

Chris Hani Development Agency

15 Warner Street, Komani, 5320

National Anti-Corruption Hotline (0800 – 701 701)

CHDM Anti-Corruption Hotline (0800 – 100 100)

Completed Bids documents must be delivered in a sealed envelope, marked with the BID reference number and description, to the Tender Box in CHDA situated at 15 Warner Street, Southbourne, Queenstown, 5320, not later than Friday,25th October 2024, 11:00.