Latest News

  • Update on CHDA Working Arrangement (Covid19)_Level4

    Update on CHDA Working Arrangement (Covid19)_Level4

    Level4 phasing in of operations Read more
  • Important Notice (Covid-19)

    CHDA takes precautionary measures against Corona Virus Read more
  • CHDA Says "NO" to Fraud and Corruption!

    The CHDA strives to meet high levels of ethical and professional standards in its operations. Read more



The CHDA recognises that in order to implement and galvanize support for projects, there is a need to attract partners. Therefore, the target is to have strategic and functional partnerships at community level, all three spheres of government, DFi’s, financial institutions and foreign donor organisations. Secondly CHDA operates in a highly political, diverse stakeholder environment with differing expectations that need to be satisfied. The key areas of interventions will be:

1) Group and map stakeholders according to their expectations and develop strategies to manage the stakeholders accordingly.
2) Interact with stakeholder to listen to concerns, their involvement in the area, and contribution they can play in advancing economic development of the region
3) Develop engagement platforms that bring interest groups and decision makers together to facilitate alignment of activities and ensure information flow.
4) Become a knowledge resource and advisor on investment opportunities and a conduit for the mobilisation of resources that support private public partnerships.

Buy-back centre and waste management sorting facility nears completion

Buy-back centre and waste management sorting facility nears completion

Lukhanji waste management centre

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