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Bid Ref. Number: RFQ REF: 004-24-25
LOWEST BID PRICE: R 49 959.20  
Bid Price (Rands): 49 959.20
  (incl. VAT)
Preferential Points Allocation:    
Price Points allocation 80.00 80.00
Specific Goals allocation: Black Ownership  10.00 0.00
Locality 5.00 0.00
Disability 2.50 0.00
Youth ownership 2.50 0.00
Total Preferential Points 100.00 80.00


The  total preferential points are 80.00 and are earned by McCormik Agri which is therefore recommended for being awarded the order.


                                                            REQUEST FOR QUOTATION

Quotations are hereby requested for the Major Service of Two Tractors, according to the following specification / terms of references:

  • Major services of Two (2) McCormick tractors (TD95) at Qamata Mechanization Centre, which is 60km from Queenstown on the way to Cofimvaba and 15 km from Cofimvaba.
  • Attend oil leakage on AF0446 McCormick which is on the front gearbox.

Tractor description McCormick

Model: X7-680 CAB

Reg. No: 7TZCH37091

Vin: AFE0450

Hours: 2850.7

Tractor description McCormick

Model: X7-680 CAB

Reg. No: 7TZCH22015

Vin: AFE0446

Hours: 2775.6

 NB: it is compulsory for service providers to inspect/ diagnose the tractors before the actual quoting and sign inspection register on site at Qamata Mechanisation Centre.

  • Tractors to be serviced are situated at Qamata Mechanisation Centre which is 60 km from Komani and 15 km from Cofimvaba.


The closing date and time for the submission of quotations is Friday, 21 June 2024 @12H00

Quotations must be emailed to 


  • Submit a copy of the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) registration summary report.
  • Proof of Diesel Mechanic Certificate to be provided
  • Proof of experience must be demonstrated by the submission of a minimum of two (2) copies of Purchase Orders or letters of appointments of similar services that were rendered in the past must be submitted before the quotation can be accepted.
  • Service providers should also complete & submit the MBD 4 form to declare the interest of the Directors of the Company.
  • Submit a valid copy of a SARS Tax Pin document.
  • If a supplier is not a VAT vendor, VAT must not be included, otherwise all the prices must include VAT.
  • Directors ID copy(ies) must be submitted.
  • Valid proof of address/lease agreements/rates account statement, etc. must be submitted.
  • Certification document from a medical practitioner must be submitted as proof of disability if the bidder’s Director(s) want(s) to claim points of people living with disability.


EVALUATION CRITERIA (Only applicable to quotations/ tenders that are above the value of R2 000.00)

  • The 80/20 preference points system Evaluation Criteria will be applied.
  • 80 points will be allocated for Price and the following formula will be applied for calculating Price points for each tender:

 Ps = 80 [1 – (Pt – Pmin)]



Ps           = Points scored   for price of tender under consideration

Pt           = Price of tender under consideration; and

Pmin     = Price of lowest acceptable tender.

  • 20 points will be allocated for Specific Goals as follows:

Black ownership (Max. 10 points)

  • 10 points will be allocated only to a 100% black owned company [Verification document(s) = Copy of CSD registration and certified ID copy(ies) of entity’s director(s)]

Locality (Max. 5 points)

  • 5 points will be allocated only to service providers that are located within the Chris Hani District (CHD) jurisdiction [Verification document(s) = Valid proof of address, e.g. municipal services rates account statement, Official Proof of Address document from a Ward Councillor, property lease agreements, etc.

Youth ownership (Max. 2.5 points)

  • 5 points will be allocated only to service providers that have 100% youth ownership [Verification document(s) = Copy of CSD registration and certified ID copy(ies) of entity’s director(s)]

People living with Disability (Max. 2.5 points)

  • 5 points will be allocated only to service providers that are 100% owned by people living with disabilities [Verification document(s) = Disability certification document(s) from a medical practitioner]
  • The points scored for price must be added to the points scored for the specific goals and the total must be rounded off to the nearest two decimal places.

 Enquiries should be directed to:

Mr K. Hlazo and Mr. S. Jobela

Chris Hani Development Agency, 15 Warner Street, Komani.

Tel no. 045 807 4000

Emails: and  



Mr A. Hala, Chief Executive Officer

Chris Hani Development Agency

15 Warner Street, Komani, 5320

National Anti-Corruption Hotline (0800 – 701 701)

CHDM Anti-Corruption Hotline (0800 – 100 100)